The Four Key Attributes of High Achievers

We look up to high achievers. They are prepared to go above and beyond to make things happen. Do you wonder how these individuals manage to reach levels of achievement most of us just dream about ? They are in charge of the most effective teams, produce remarkable results, and are regularly promoted. You’re having a hard time and wondering what you need to do differently.

These individuals undoubtedly encountered many difficulties on the road to success too. But what’s their secret to triumphing over adversity? It turns out that the mindsets and processes of high achievers are unique.  Fortunately, our potential for success is not predetermined. The ability to do more is a mindset that may be developed. 

Educator and social scientist who analyzes the characteristics of successful people, Dr. Ruth Gotian, reveals the four attributes of high achievers. Discover how these critical characteristics are necessary for accomplishing your goals! In this episode, we discuss the certain traits and outlooks that set high achievers apart from others. 

Join our hosts, career adviser Sergio Patterson and wealth manager Lee Michael Murphy in The Free Retiree Show. 

What you’ll learn from the episode: 

  • Four success factors of high achievers
  • How high achievers think differently 
  • Getting into the mindset of a top achiever can lead to success

[00:00:00] Lee Michael Murphy: ladies and gentlemen. Welcome in to the free Ty show. Your go-to podcast for your career and your finances. I’m your host wealth manager, Lee, Michael Murphy, and alongside my Venezuelan Powell. So Valenti pat, what is up, everyone. Welcome into the podcast. today we’re gonna be talking about.

[00:00:20] Lee Michael Murphy: The high achievers do differently. and for this episode, we got some really great research, from a doctor, slash professor at Cornell. And what she has done is she’s done some research with some of the highest performers in business sports, and she’s figured out what they do differently above everyone.

[00:00:41] Lee Michael Murphy: And so the doctor’s, Dr. Ruth goon and she’s the author of the success factor, developing the mindset and skillset for peak business performance. She’s been a regular contributor for. And, she’s also worked with not just, famous people in business, but noble prize, [00:01:00] winners, Olympic athletes, and astronauts.

[00:01:03] Lee Michael Murphy: And I really liked her research cuz it was a little bit different and unique. And I thought like this would be a really great thing for our listeners to, learn. And so today, once we go over the four things, you’re gonna have four, D. Avenues that you can work on in terms of becoming a high achiever.

[00:01:20] Lee Michael Murphy: So before we go down that path surge,little news headline, at the time of this recording, we just found out that, Brittany Griner, got nine years in, prison in Russia, legit, not legit. What’s your take.

not legit. I mean, yeah, not legit at all. we have, I mean, she’s in Russia, right?

[00:01:38] Sergio Patterson: So that’s their law, but it’s kind of silly to think something nine years for possession of weed. what’s even more silly is I hear grown men saying she should rot in jail forever.

that is quite ridiculous.

[00:01:51] Sergio Patterson: What’s crazy though, is, the talking about like prisoner swaps. which is interesting.

I guess like more of the story, I don’t know, like she had a vape [00:02:00] pen at the airport. Is that what happened? Yeah,

[00:02:03] Lee Michael Murphy: I think she had a vape pen with hashish oil oh, was she

[00:02:07] Sergio Patterson: in Russia? She play, I think she plays over there. Right?

[00:02:09] Lee Michael Murphy: She’s playing over there the day doesn’t play.

[00:02:11] Lee Michael Murphy: Pay enough. Yeah. Cause yeah, exactly. Cause the w a B doesn’t pay enough. So you had to go over to Russia and get thrown in the glog or whatever they call it over there.

she should just no more going over. Roddy. What do you think?

it makes me, it makes me happy that we live in the United States, to be honest, we can’t agree on anything over here, but at least,

[00:02:27] Lee Michael Murphy: we got our freedom. So , that’s true.

[00:02:30] Sergio Patterson: That’s true. Nine years. Wow. I hope she, gets home soon. She’s been there for a long time. I don’t know how this is gonna play out.

[00:02:36] Lee Michael Murphy: Yep. Yep. It’s just interesting. So, but look onto the discussion topic. So Serge, when you think about high achievers, what personality traits do you feel that a lot of these high achievers have, and then we’ll go into the four that Dr.

[00:02:49] Lee Michael Murphy: Gutian has in her article.

[00:02:51] Sergio Patterson: When I think of high achievers, I think of consistency, energy focus,actually, I don’t know if extrovert is the right way, but like very [00:03:00] good at self-promotion and like constantly telling their story but yeah, those are some of the things that come to mind, they’re just consistent.

[00:03:07] Sergio Patterson: I don’t know what these, the tips are or whatever, what it is, but would love to

[00:03:10] Lee Michael Murphy: hear. All right. So we’ll go on the first one. So the first one is high achievers are able to tap into their intrinsic motivation. Basically, they’re passionate, they have that fire for whatever they’re doing.

a lot of times, if you have that passion. You don’t care about the money. you just love what you’re doing and that’s what drives you. So, number one is, we talk a lot about this on our podcast and a lot of the people that we’ve brought on, passion seems to be the number one thing, that really just sets the footprint for success.

[00:03:40] Sergio Patterson: That’s an interesting one, though, right? For people who. Maybe I’m thinking like from a passion standpoint, how do you find, I guess it depends on your work, as if you don’t have the passion to like, do your accounting job, Yeah. or maybe you are a passionate about accounting and you can be a high achieve.

[00:03:55] Sergio Patterson: I don’t know. I think that’s an interesting one. Well,

[00:03:57] Lee Michael Murphy: one thing that she said, in her research [00:04:00] was that if you don’t have passion, you’re more subject to burnout. Which makes sense. yeah, that makes sense. When you got that passion, you can keep fighting through it, but you know, if you don’t burnout, we’ll eventually get you and then you won’t be aa high cheerer I’ve been there.

[00:04:16] Lee Michael Murphy: Amazon. maybe. No, not saying , but maybe. All right. number two, developing a deep perseverance. So what this means. It’s not about working hard. so you don’t need to be working 18 hour days, but according to Dr. Goon, it’s more about working smarter, not harder to get to that next level. So she brings up this point of, yes, you have to be a hard worker, but you also have to be a smart worker understanding when you are at your peak performance.

[00:04:52] Lee Michael Murphy: So for a lot of us, what we do is, we talked about this on other podcasts before is we go right to our emails and we might spend the [00:05:00] bulk of our energy on that, in the beginning of the day where we might be the most productive, So that’s, common for a lot of people, but a lot of people, maybe they don’t get cooked until late at night.

I think,attorney Matt MC I think he does his best work, at midnight, between midnight and 3:00 AM in the morning. So yeah. everyone’s different. but I think understanding where you’re most productive is a key component of being a high achiever.

[00:05:21] Lee Michael Murphy: That makes

[00:05:21] Sergio Patterson: sense. Yeah. I think. It’s definitely something we’ve talked about before, but yeah, like figuring out when you’re most productive, I think it could be tough in some jobs, but like for me in this work, from home environment, like I know I can kind of set my schedule and I kind of know where I get prioritizing and knowing where I get most of my best work

[00:05:40] Lee Michael Murphy: done is important.

[00:05:41] Lee Michael Murphy: Absolutely. Number three, establishing a strong foundation. So one things that she found out in her research is a lot of times when we embark on our path of being successful in whatever it is, we’re really about the basics. And as we get better, we lose that. one thing she found in research, the people that are the high [00:06:00] achievers, they still value having a strong foundation and they’re committed to the basics in whatever they do.

[00:06:07] Lee Michael Murphy: A great example is. Maybe like sales people, sales people that have to learn on pitches or do, not cold calling, but, yeah.

like the basics of sale, like sales, right? All those little mundane things.

[00:06:23] Lee Michael Murphy: Yes. Yeah. All those little techniques that they learned in the beginning of their job, they still keep sharp on it.

[00:06:29] Lee Michael Murphy: And so that goes, not just in sales, but every job that’s out there, being committed, to your foundation and continuing to work on that long after you started your career. I like

[00:06:40] Sergio Patterson: that one. I think, it’s easy to forget how important the foundations and the basics are for whatever job it is, even, my job.

[00:06:47] Sergio Patterson: But if you lose that, then it’s hard to do some of the bigger strategic

[00:06:50] Lee Michael Murphy: things. Do you ever focus on, the basics or working on the things you learned at the beginning?

[00:06:55] Sergio Patterson: Yeah. I have to like the little things like organization, structure, [00:07:00] spreadsheets, all those little things that seem like they’re not important are actually I’d argue the most important things.

[00:07:07] Sergio Patterson: Cause that’s what people are expecting at the minimum from you like, oh, I know I’m gonna get this from Sergio. But then like to exceed, you have to do all the bigger and more like the bigger things, but like those basic things are like foundational to your job.

 awesome. Yeah. And so the last one, for high achievers that she’s found in her research is constantly learning through informal means.

[00:07:29] Lee Michael Murphy: So what that means is, when we try to learn something, we generally think. Go to school, en enroll in this class, and then that’s how I’m gonna learn it. She looks at people that take it a step further than that. They immerse themselves in learning, not just through school, but like all avenues. So they’re dedicated to, Listening to podcasts or getting CDs or, they might turn on the radio to a topic that just really interests them and kind of immersing themselves further than just doing the [00:08:00] textbook or coursework.

[00:08:01] Lee Michael Murphy: It goes to a, more of a lifestyle regards to learning as opposed to just, oh, get the course done. And then your learning journey is over. I think it’s more about, committing to the lifestyle of always learning and getting better at whatever you’re interested in.

it’s never been easier to learn either. Like we have so many tools and sites and resources out there now. I it’s so easy. If you wanna learn something, you could do it today, YouTube, whatever, it’s all free.

for a lot of the companies you’ve been at, what do they recommend in terms of learning and, getting.

[00:08:32] Lee Michael Murphy: Better education in whatever they’re

[00:08:34] Sergio Patterson: doing. Well, not to drink , my own Kool-Aid, but LinkedIn learning has a massive library of all courses. it’s called LinkedIn learning. There’s free courses. There’s somebody you could pay for. T me is a good T They have lots of affordable courses.

course Sarah is another good one. There’s so many learning companies out there and it’s, I’m talking like 9 99 to like, learn how. beginning to learn how to code. so yeah, I said you do me, LinkedIn learning course, Sarah. those are some of the [00:09:00] ones top of my head, but, it’s a big industry right now.

[00:09:02] Sergio Patterson: So I think if you wanna learn, it’s easy to do right, right now.

[00:09:06] Lee Michael Murphy: So if you master these four areas that we went over, Dr. Gut’s research says that high achievers are 400% more impactful than the average worker. But the key is you can’t just get one of these, four categories down.

[00:09:20] Lee Michael Murphy: She says you have to be able to master all four at the same time to get stellar results.

[00:09:25] Sergio Patterson: Wow. What can you recap the four again? Yes. Just

[00:09:28] Lee Michael Murphy: kind of list them out. So going back from the beginning, so number one is tapping into your intrinsic motivation. Yep. Basically. What are you passionate about? Two is developing a deep perseverance.

[00:09:43] Lee Michael Murphy: So working smarter, not harder, three establishing a strong foundation, committing to the basics. And then four is constantly be learning through informal means these seem

[00:09:55] Sergio Patterson: like it seems very doable. I mean, I know it’s not easy, but. [00:10:00] It’s not out of the question for someone to just start picking these up and going for it.

[00:10:05] Lee Michael Murphy: Yeah, absolutely. Check out her, research. it’s pretty cool stuff. she’s worked with some really famous people, like I know, she’s, done, Steve Kerr, she’s done a lot of interviews with him and,Dr. Fauci as well. And so. Her whole thing is, get into the minds of these people that are extremely high achievers and learn what they’re doing.

[00:10:21] Lee Michael Murphy: So, hopefully you guys found all this stuff, really helpful. that’s it for our podcast today. you’ve been listening to the free retiree show so long for now.

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